dougs digs

once in a while you get shown the light in the strangest of places if you look at it right


One Year Birthday

Today (coincidently Christmas Day, though not all that symbolic) marks my first year of blogging.

Seems like I came out of the womb blogging, but it's just been 365 days / 52 weeks / 12 months. Hopefully somebody has gleaned something from my drivel over the past year, though the odds of that aren't good.

I have no idea if I've got another year of blogging left in me. In the next few weeks, life is potentially about to get a lot more full for me and probably will not allow for as much free time for possibly a couple years.

Thanks for stopping by and engaging with me over the past year. I'm looking forward to the insights and subsequent conversations the next year holds for us all.
|| doug, 00:34


Congratulations, Doug... You are but a wee blogging lad, but I like you anyway. ;P
Blogger timsamoff, at 27/12/05 13:01  
dude, you are the only reason i'm alive. please don't stop blogging........
Anonymous Anonymous, at 28/12/05 01:58  
It sounds as if congratulations are in order for you and Jenae. Happy parenting!
Anonymous Anonymous, at 5/1/06 20:20  
Happy Parenting ??? Doug you told me you were on the pill - Jay
Anonymous Anonymous, at 6/1/06 14:54  
OOOOHHH . . . hold on there folks. Obviously, there is some serious misinterpretation here.

The line, "In the next few weeks, life is potentially about to get a lot more full for me and probably will not allow for as much free time for possibly a couple years", DOES NOT refer to us being pregnant.

Though I guess I can somewhat see how one could interpret that if they don't know me all that well. For clarification, I am not having a kid and I do not have any kids that I know of.

What I was referring to was this ( . . . going back to grad school.

Thanks for the congradualtions anyway and by the way Jay, you all might want to invest in some contraception yourselves. I think Florida is crowded enough, don't add to the misery.
Blogger doug, at 8/1/06 11:47  

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