once in a while you get shown the light in the strangest of places if you look at it right
C.S. Lewis once said, “One courts a virgin differently than a divorcé,” (or something along these lines; I’ve had trouble tracking the exact quote). Even back in the mid 20th century, Lewis recognized that reaching people with a jaded perspective of the church (divorcés) would require a different strategy than reaching those without any church experience to begin with (virgins).
Certainly there are still some in our culture who are “church virgins,” but it seems increasingly more common to find people who have had some church experience or interaction with the Christian sub-culture that has left them jaded. The dominance of Christian media, marketing, and political influence in recent years has only increased this likelihood.
So, is it wise to continue wandering the countryside in search of the increasingly rare church virgin, or should we be finding strategies to reach the herds of church divorcés roaming our culture? At The Next Level Church we have chosen to go after those who are jaded, not only because of their number, but because most of us in leadership were in that place not too long ago.