dougs digs

once in a while you get shown the light in the strangest of places if you look at it right


Jesus, Meet Evolution


Why is this topic always an 'either-or' debate ?

You either support and believe wholeheartedly in creation OR evolution . . . pick a side and fight like hell for it ! ! !

As a Christian (as is for any person of faith I would assume), I never really doubted God created all things that ever have been or will be. Now, I do have some reservations (ok, almost disbelief) in the literal interpretation of the Genesis account of creation, but that is an entirely separate topic that would take an enormous amount of time to sort through. Perhaps if you buy me coffee, we can sit and chat about it.

With that much said, my first recollection of experiencing the 'evolution vs. creation' topic (supporting or dissenting) was as an apathetic college student attending a "Liberal Arts" Christian
college (trust me, there is NOTHING liberal about this place, i.e. - John Ashcroft's dad was the schools second President). I was sitting in a painfully boring Biology class; I probably attended this class (and most others) no more than 3-4 times a month, just painful. Anyway, you can guess from that description what stereotypical angle the faculty took in this debate.

Your guess would be incorrect.

The professor walks in and say's, "Today we WERE going to cover evolution, however I can not teach all of the information I want to, so if you want to talk to me after class I will make myself available".

A rebel professor, I was intrigued. So I waited for him after class, the discussion that ensued forever changed my view on the 'evolution vs. creation' debate. To boil down an hour long conversation into a nice talking point, would be this; (professor) "Evolution and creation are not an 'either-or' conversation, rather it is a 'both-and' conversation . . . as a Christian I can not deny that there is an amazing creator and as a scientist I can not deny evolution". Boiled down even further (my synopsis); "God created all things to evolve".

Debate over.

All of this was sparked by an article I received this morning, Jesus, Meet Evolution.
|| doug, 17:10


You really have some intelligent design to the evolution of thoughts here. Nice work!
Blogger tonymyles, at 2/12/05 01:13  

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