dougs digs

once in a while you get shown the light in the strangest of places if you look at it right


Uncomfortably Numb

We were awakened this morning by the apparent sound of construction, as if a few pieces of sheet metal had fallen from a nearby construction site. Nothing out of the ordinary, we live in the middle of a lot of downtown redevelopment.

Strangely though, the noises were shortly followed by the rushing sound of sirens. Still at that point we hadn't put the connection together.

I got dressed for work and headed toward the elevator to our parking garage. As soon as I approached the elevator, a group of people were congregated with the look of shock and sadness on their faces. That is when I put it all together, the sounds we heard a few minutes earlier was the sound of murderous gunshots.

After talking with the group of my neighbors, all that was really known was that a woman shot a man in the back three times as he walked out of our building and then she shot him again two more times after he collapsed on the sidewalk across the street. Apparently she even stayed at the scene until the police arrived.

One especially poignant aspect of this is the timing. Our neighborhood is bustling in the morning with hundreds of pedestrians walking to their jobs. There are a few corporate headquarters (AMC, Commerce Bank, etc.) and several other businesses located within a couple of blocks; not to mention other lofts and the downtown Library. I'm sure there were many unexpecting eyewitnesses to this schocking crime that will not forget what they saw, but wish they could.

|| doug, 11:48


man, i am sorry you and Jenae experienced that. i hope all is well with you two.
Anonymous Anonymous, at 29/10/05 09:37  

i'm sickened for you two (and everyone else)... gee whiz.
Anonymous Anonymous, at 29/10/05 23:37  
Said once, say it again...women are just plain crazy. A man shoots his lady, he flees the scene.
Anonymous Anonymous, at 11/11/05 19:10  

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