We just returned from a much needed and much anticipated vaca to New York to visit family, as well as to celebrate Jenae and her dad's birthdays (one day apart). In addition to a week in New York, we were able to spend a couple days in Boston and Connecticut. Since we happened to be in the relative neighborhood of the Northeast, Jenae partnered with Viridian Group and a local client of theirs to shoot the dedication ceremony for the 'Teddy Ebersol's Red Sox Fields' (read more about it here and here).
This was such an historical and emotional event (despite the freezing temperatures and Old Testament style flooding), I was honored just to be her assistant for the shoot and hang out (ok, stand near) with current and former Red Sox players and team executives; and legendary political leaders and legendary business leaders. A truly unforgettable experience.
All of this was just in the first 48 hours . . . and the best was yet to come:
I will never be the same after this show. I can't begin to put in to words what this was like, so I'll let the pictures do the communicating for me instead . . .
this was The Best Week Ever.