dougs digs

once in a while you get shown the light in the strangest of places if you look at it right


As The World Turns

I can't seem to communicate here in a timely manner anymore.

Not that I haven't wanted to or haven't even sat in front of the screen 'til my eyes burn just trying to get 'something' intelligible out . . . I have. But everything impacting my life (globally, nationally, locally, personally, professionally, academically, relationally . . . ) has been happening at such a head spinning pace recently, I just haven’t been able to digest before another spoonful is shoved in.

Maybe I'll be able to slap up another note when I speed through here again. Until then, I'll leave you with a piece of invaluable advice I’ve picked up during this exhilarating ride, "nill illigitimi carborundum”.

|| doug, 23:02


New PJ, Nfl Draft no blog. I remember what we used to do during football games aaaarrrreeeepp
Anonymous Anonymous, at 3/5/06 21:17  

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