dougs digs

once in a while you get shown the light in the strangest of places if you look at it right


I Hurt Myself Today

I saw Nine Inch Nails Saturday night with Tim, despite having less than optimal seating and considering Kemper Arena is a "p.o.s.", the show was amazing ! ! ! They performed with unparalleled power and ingenuity; you knew you were witnessing true pioneers of modern music.

Trent sounded and looked especially strong, considering the internal battles he's been fighting recently. Mid-way through the show he made the comment regarding his battles, "thanks for being patient with me while I got my shit together" . . . I would say he did (notice his newly shaved head + huge biceps, son of a ! ! !).

For a sampling of what the show was about, check out
Tim's take plus more of his pics and a brief video. A website dedicated to nothing but local music and concert reviews, has a much more in-depth review of the show.

|| doug, 18:58


Im not your Father - Im not your brother Im your lover
Anonymous Anonymous, at 28/2/06 18:04  

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