dougs digs

once in a while you get shown the light in the strangest of places if you look at it right


the roof, the roof, the roof is on fire

OK so maybe not the roof exactly.

How about a disintegrating trash dumpster with 20-foot raging flames shooting from it, a large wooden deck inches above and a basement inches next to it both completely engulfed with flames ?

All of this happened within in feet of my co-workers and me this afternoon. The entire backside of our office building caught fire. The origin was the dumpster, the culprit is suspected to be a discarded cigarette still lit combined with high winds. It was so surreal and very disheartening to watch your office burn to the ground, it reminded me of this.

One of the most amazing aspects of the whole tragedy was the firefighters . . . hysterical ! ! !

Not only did the entire KCFD show up (seriously, 4 trucks and 16 fighters for an office dumpster/deck fire). Anyway, these guys obviously hadn't been called on in a while and had some serious pent up aggression and boredom. These dudes went total commando, axing up and demolishing everything in sight. Just knocking out and soaking everything, they were like kids let out for recess after being chained down at their desks all day. They did more damage than the fire did ! ! !

We’re in for an expensive and lengthy reconstruction process, not exactly what we needed. If you ever considered helping out our organization, there is not a better time to do so than now.

|| doug, 23:27


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