dougs digs

once in a while you get shown the light in the strangest of places if you look at it right


And The Best Album Of The Past 20 Years Is . . .

I couldn't agree more.

Just think about the magnitude of such an honor. The past 20 years has unarguably brought more genres of music than any other span of history. Regardless of what can be argued (example), this honor is irrefutable.

Here is one of many articles about Spin's Top 100 Greatest Albums of the past 20 Years.
|| doug, 14:45


Wow... I don't know if Id' agree... I mean, OK Computer is an amazing piece of work -- definitely very very high on the list... But, since 1985?

All I can say is "Wow." A lot of music has happened since then. Even if is is considered the "best" (I think I understand why, anyway) I would never think of it as the most "influential" -- but I guess that's not what it's all about.
Blogger timsamoff, at 27/6/05 10:39  
The album changed my life. I hear something new every single time I hear it! No area is less than perfect. Most unique drum patterns you will ever hear and Thom Yourke's voice is haunting and soothing at the same time. Just the best! I also love that it wasn't as popular as some of the other albums that could possibly be mentioned. That's a reflection of the album being so complex and layered that our ADD society didn't quite 'get' it. It seems to slowly attach to your bones until it's part of you.

Anonymous Anonymous, at 27/6/05 10:51  
Paul -


so accurately and eloquently said.

this masterpiece had (and continues to have) a profound impact on my life as well.

thanks for bringing me to tears . . . at work . . . in front of my employees.

Blogger doug, at 27/6/05 11:01

Radiohead hates Coldplay. That's funny.

Anonymous Anonymous, at 6/7/05 16:46  
"We're like an eager dog just yapping around their heels,' he adds and they're trying to kick us away"

Blogger doug, at 6/7/05 16:54  

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