I was so embarrassed and disgusted (but not surprised) when I first learned of this event. I knew better than to even dare to write what I was thinking with that frame of mind, plus Blogger doesn't offer enough space for the amount of words I had.
Sometime has passed since that time and the event itself has come and gone . . . and I am still equally (if not more so) embarrassed and disgusted (though, again, not surprised). I attempted to write about it earlier today, but I ended up deleting my entire entry. Not sure why, just didn't convey my thoughts clearly enough I guess. Anyway, as usual, someone else has described my own thoughts and feelings as well (if not better) than I.
What I find saddest about this event is that the few prominent ministers that participated have gambled away their personal ministries as well as the sanctity of the clergy on the covetous crap table of politics. Truly sad.
Thanks Will for speaking my mind for me . . .