dougs digs

once in a while you get shown the light in the strangest of places if you look at it right


Put Your Money Where Your Morals Are

Budgets are moral documents that reflect the values and priorities of a family, church, organization, city, state or nation. They tell us what is most important and valued to those making the budget.The biblical prophets frequently spoke to rulers and kings. They spoke to "the nations," and it was the powerful that were most often the target audience. Those in charge of things are the ones called to greatest accountability.

And the prophets usually spoke for the dispossessed, widows and orphans (read: poor single moms), the hungry, the homeless, the helpless, the least, last and lost. They spoke to a nation's priorities.

Morally inspired voices must provide vision for the people when none comes from their leaders. We must believe that such vision can change the hearts of those needing new grounding and direction.

The Bible talks often of the need to repent - to turn and go in another direction. If we do not now "Write the vision; make it plain upon tablets" (Habakkuk 2:2), others cannot follow. If we do, we act to secure the future of the common good.

continue . . .
|| doug, 11:45


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